Edoten Five toe socks ECONOLEG Made in Japan Easy to walk Crew socks Men’s

These 5 toe socks are also recommended when you wear thong-type footwear such as Setta or Zori.

We are particular about the knitting way of each part to improve the fit to the foot and eliminate unnecessary movement between the foot, socks, and shoes, making it less tiring and easier to walk.

Special non-slip rubber threads are woven directly into the socks, so both inside and outside of the socks bottom are non-slip, giving it a strong grip and making it easier to stand firm.

Material: Polyester, Cotton, Nylon, Polyurethane

Made in Japan, Nara Prefecture

Size: 25cm (7) - 27cm (9), 27cm (9) – 29cm (11) (Black only). Length: Approximately 20cm (7.87 in)

Handling precautions

- When washing, please put it in the net.

- The anti-slip rubber threads may come out from the fabric, but this will occur naturally due to the nature of the material, so there is no problem with using it.

We have 3 colors and 2 sizes. You can check the detail on the shopping site